First of all, what is Pilates?
Pilates is a physical fitness system developed by Joseph Pilates in the early 20th century. As a child and teenager he practiced various exercise methodologies that were available in Germany, like gymnastics and boxing. He is also reported to have extensively researched animals in nature, Yoga and greek texts on physiology. Out of all this experience and research his method was born. Joseph Pilates originally called his method Contrology. In his book Return To Life through Contrology Joseph Pilates presents his method as the art of controlled movements, which should look and feel like a workout when properly executed. Pilates is differentiated from other forms of exercise by 5 guiding principles. Concentration, Centering, Control, Breathing, Precision and Flowing movement. Individually these may not seem unique but when applied holistically to the Pilates method they are.
Concentrate on the correct movements each time you exercise, lest you do them improperly and thus loose all the vital benefits of their value. -Joseph Hubertus Pilates